He has a bachelor’s degree in Chemistry from IQSC-USP (1992), a Master’s degree in Analytical Chemistry from IQSC-USP (1995), a Ph.D. in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology from IQ-USP (2001), with a sandwich period at the Salk Institute, La Jolla, CA (1999), and a postdoctoral fellowships at IQ-USP (2002–2006), Burnham Institute for Medical Research (2007), and the University of California, San Diego (2008). He served as an Assistant Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology at the Center for Natural and Human Sciences (CCNH) at Universidade Federal do ABC (UFABC) (2008–2009). In 2009, he joined the Department of Biochemistry at the Institute of Chemistry, Universidade de São Paulo (USP), as an Assistant Professor, where, since 2016, he serves as an Associate Professor (Livre-Docente). Between 2020–2021, he was a Visiting Professor at the Altman Clinical and Translational Research Institute, School of Medicine, University of California, San Diego. He has expertise in the broad fields of Biomaterials, Biochemistry, Cellular and Molecular Biology, and focuses on the following topics: Signal Transduction via Tyrosine Phosphatases; Hormonal and Growth Factor Mechanisms of Action; Mechanisms of DNA Damage, Repair, and Genomic Instability; Rho GTPases and Actin Cytoskeleton; Systems Biology with an emphasis on Protein-Protein Interactions (Interactomes) and Proteomics. His research interests are directed toward understanding molecular mechanisms to propose new therapies for human pathologies, particularly cancers. (Translated from Currículo Lattes)