
Institut Pasteur presents a lecture by Professor Glen N. Barber at InovaUSP

Banner da palestra do Professor Glen N. Barber, com os logotipos do Institut Pasteur e Inova USP.

On July 19, Friday, from 12 PM to 1 PM, there will be a lecture titled “Innate Immune STING Signaling in Infectious Disease and Cancer” in the auditorium on the 1st floor of InovaUSP, presented by Professor Glen N. Barber, a professor and researcher at the University of Miami. The event is organized by Institut Pasteur de São Paulo.

Professor Barber is recognized for the research that led to the 2008 discovery of the action mechanism of the STING protein (Stimulator of Interferon Genes), which triggers host defense immune responses following infection by DNA microbes, such as certain viruses, bacteria, and parasites. He and his team first identified the key regulatory molecules and the signaling pathway. STING signaling is extremely important for activating antitumor immunity.

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