He obtained a medical degree from the Universidade de São Paulo (1981), a master’s degree in Microbiology and Immunology from the Escola Paulista de Medicina (1983), and a Ph.D. in Immunology from the Universidade de São Paulo (1988). He currently serves as an associate professor (MS-5) at the Universidade de São Paulo, the principal investigator of the Tumor Immunology Laboratory (ICB/USP), and the acting head of the Laboratory of Medical Investigation in Pathogenesis and Targeted Therapy in Onco-Immuno-Hematology – LIM/31 (HCFMUSP). He has expertise in cellular immunology, with an emphasis on cancer immunotherapy, focusing primarily on dendritic cells, their role in pathophysiology, and clinical applications. (Translated from Currículo Lattes)