He is a Full Professor at the Institute of Physics, Universidade de São Paulo. He was Director of the Institute of Physics at USP (08/19-08/23). He was a member of the Budget and Property Commission of USP (11/21-08/23). He was Chair of the Budget and Property Commission of USP (08/22-03/23). He earned a Bachelor’s degree in Physics (1977) from USP, a Master’s degree in Nuclear Physics (1983), and a Ph.D. in Sciences (1991), also from USP. He completed postdoctoral studies in materials science and magnetic thin films at the IBM-Almaden Research Center, USA (1994-1996). From 1979 to 1990, he conducted research on air pollution and atmospheric aerosols, establishing the PIXE Method for Elemental Analysis at IFUSP. He collaborated (2008-2009) with the Laboratory for Aerosols, Clouds, and Optics (LACO) at UMBC-USA on experimental studies of aerosol and water vapor interaction. He coordinated the LAMFI (Laboratory of Materials and Ion Beams) at IFUSP (1996-2020). His current primary research interest lies in the interaction of energetic ions (~MeV) with matter, measurements of stopping power, scattering cross-sections, and applications for material modification and analysis (PIXE, ERDA, RBS). He develops portable instrumentation for XRF and XRD with applications in artometry and archaeology. He is a member of the Group for Applied Physics with Accelerators (GFAA). (Translated from Currículo Lattes)