Since 2013, I have been a professor at the School of Communications and Arts, Universidade de São Paulo (USP), teaching in the Educommunication Licentiate Program and the Graduate Program in Communication Sciences. I hold a degree in History from the Faculdade de Filosofia, Letras e Ciências Humanas at USP (1991) and a teaching credential in History from the Faculdade de Educação at USP (1992). I completed a Master’s research in Communication Sciences titled “The Educommunication Process: Media in Schools” (2000) and a Ph.D. in Communication Sciences titled “Playfulness and Learning in Cyberculture: Internet and Digital Games in Children’s Daily Lives” (2005), both at the School of Communications and Arts at USP. I was a researcher at LAPIC (Laboratory for Research on Childhood, Imagination, and Communication) from 1996 to 2010, and since 2001, I have been a collaborating researcher at the Communication and Education Center (NCE) of ECA/USP. I served as Academic Director of the Faculdade de Educação e Cultura Montessori (FAMEC) from December 1997 to November 2011 and was the Chair of the Editorial Board of FAMEC’s Scientific Journal from 2002 to 2008. I have teaching experience in History, with an emphasis on Modern and Contemporary History (Basic and Higher Education), as well as in Communication Theory and Educommunication in Higher Education. My work primarily focuses on the following topics: educommunication, communication and education, childhood and youth, social communication, cyberculture, and learning. I created and coordinated the Minha Terra Educational Social Network, a project of the Educarede Portal, from 2007 to 2011. I worked for seven years as a leader of internet educational projects and educator trainer at CENPEC (Center for Studies and Research in Education). I supervised monographs in the Proinfo-MEC/ECA-USP “Media in Education” specialization course (2011-2013). Since 2012, I have been the Executive Secretary of the Brazilian Association of Educommunication Researchers and Professionals (ABPEducom). In 2015, I assumed coordination of the NCE-USP – Communication and Education Center at USP. I am the leader of the CNPq Research Group on Educommunication Epistemology. Since 2019, I have been a member of the State Council for Human Rights Education in São Paulo. I served as pedagogical coordinator of the Educommunication Licentiate Program (ECA/USP) for three terms (2015-18, 2021-23) and, in May 2023, I assumed the Presidency of the Undergraduate Commission of the School of Communications and Arts at USP, with a term ending in April 2025. (Translated from Currículo Lattes)