He holds a degree in Medicine from the Universidade de São Paulo (1995) and in Systems Analysis and Development from FATEC – Ribeirão Preto. He obtained a Master’s and Ph.D. in Medical Sciences from the Universidade de São Paulo (2002 and 2007). He completed a doctoral internship funded by CAPES at the Fox Chase Cancer Center in the Breast Cancer Research Laboratory (Philadelphia, PA, USA) in the field of Molecular Biology in 2006 and served as a Visiting Researcher at Cancer Research UK at the University of Cambridge (2015–2016). Currently, he serves as an Associate Professor with Habilitation (Livre-Docente) at the Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto, Universidade de São Paulo, and as a Researcher at the Advanced Research Center in Medicine (CEPAM) at UNILAGO. He is a Specialist in Clinical Oncology and Mastology. His research focuses primarily on the following areas: breast cancer and molecular biology of cancer, particularly in large-scale molecular and genetic data analysis and the application of artificial intelligence to solve biological problems. (Translated from Currículo Lattes)