
HPV-Associated Diseases: Screening, Prophylactic and Therapeutic Vaccines

The event HPV-Associated Diseases: Screening, Prophylactic and Therapeutic Vaccines will take place on September 11, 12, and 13, 2025. The event will be held exclusively in person at the Auditorium of the Instituto do Câncer do Estado de São Paulo (ICESP), and all activities will be conducted in English.

The Preliminary Program covers a wide range of topics, starting with basic knowledge about HPV, followed by epidemiological studies, HPV-associated diseases such as head and neck cancer and cervical cancer, and extending to the latest advancements in the field, including prophylactic and therapeutic vaccines. Among the speakers, there will be Brazilian and international experts in Molecular Biology, Immunology, Oncology, Clinical Research, Public Health, and Epidemiology.

In addition to lectures, there will also be opportunities for participants to deliver oral presentations and present posters. Researchers interested in showcasing their studies may participate in the selection process by submitting their Abstracts after registration. Abstracts will be accepted until June 15, 2025, via the submission form.

The Organizing Committee includes Prof. Laura Sichero, Prof. Luisa Lina Villa, Prof. Ana Paula Lepique, and Dr. Aline Lopes Ribeiro, researchers affiliated with the Center for Translational Research in Oncology (CTO) at ICESP. The event is organized by ICESP in partnership with the International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (ICGEB) and is supported by funding from The São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP) and the Brazilian Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES).


ICGEB Fellowships

The ICGEB offers fellowships for scientists from member countries of the organization.

The fellowships cover registration fees, shared accommodation (four nights), breakfast, and meals during the event (except for dinner). Travel expenses are not covered.

The selection process will prioritize early-career scientists and/or South American applicants. The applicants must submit an Abstract for presentation at the event.

The deadline for ICGEB scholarship applications is April 20, 2025. Register and apply via the ICGEB website.


Ticket Sales

The first batch of tickets will be available until July 15, 2025, with special rates for undergraduate and graduate students, postdoctoral researchers, and medical residents. Ticket sales are open on the Sympla platform.

For inquiries, please contact:

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