Jornal da USP: USP laboratory in São Carlos develops technologies for digital mammography diagnosis
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The event lasted four days, involved 180 participants from 15 countries, and offered various activities that promoted learning about new technologies for cancer diagnosis and treatment.
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This content is in Portuguese.
Laboratory tests show that the CRISPR-Cas9 technique cuts and deactivates genes essential for the survival and multiplication of the virus that causes HTLV.
Professor Banks presented the plan for the creation of an ICGEB Regional Research Centre at ICESP.
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The event took place on October 1st and 2nd in the University Council Room and brought together representatives from various groups interested in health technology assessment.
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The event takes place from October 16 to 19, and tickets can be purchased via the Sympla platform.
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C2PO interviews Professors Luisa Villa and Laura Sichero about the transfer of the role of principal investigator of the Ludwig-McGill Cohort Study, an important study on HPV and cervical cancer that began in 1993 and continues to this day.